Engineering Plastics
In today's world, the market for all Engineering Plastics is as broad as it is exciting, from traditional industries that are laboured towards efficiency, reliability, quality, health & safety, regulatory needs, and cost saving, to Hi-Tech industries that demand so much more from materials. Alperton have spent over 30 years providing valued solutions to a wide range of industries and welcome an opportunity to enhance a process / product you may have. Read more about us →
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Engineering Materials (80-160°C)
Engineering Materials - PA, POM, PET, PC, Ertalon®, Nylatron®, Ertalyte®, Norylux ®
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Advanced Eng.,Materials (160-220°C)
PVDF, ECTFE, PTFE, PSU, PEI, PPSU, PPS, PEEK, Fluorosint®, Duraton®, Ketron®, Quadrant®, Techtron®, Semitron®
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Extreme Materials (>220°C)
Material Grades that are subjected to Extreme Temperature or are required to perform in highly technical environments.
PI, PAI, PBI. Vespel®, Duratron®, Semitron ®.
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Vespel® Custom Parts & Stock Shapes
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PTFE, PVDF, PVDF, ECTFE, PFA, FEP, ETFE, Fluorosint® , Symalit ®
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Medical / Life Science Grades
Our Key Manufacturer Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products supplies semi-finished materials for the Life Science sector, for applications in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, orthopaedics, analytical and dental industries. .
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Metal Detectable Plastics
Do You need increased efficiency and reduced costs, a material that is Lightweight, chemical resistance, and suitable for clean-in-place technology, and METAL DETECTABLE ?
See our range of Metal Detectable Grades used in applications within the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries.
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ESd & Anti-Static Grades
Semitron®, TIVAR® CleanStat, Pomalux® -Grades that were developed to help designers and users optimize the performance of device manufacturing equipment & ESd / Anti-Static sensitve areas.
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TIVAR® is the brand name of Quadrant EPP for its extensive range of virgin, partially reprocessed, colored or modified Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene stock shapes.
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Kaylan Polyurethane
Increasingly popular as an alternative material in a wide range of manufacturing applications. Strong, durable, and resistant to all kinds of impacts and abrasions, Kaylan possesses all the benefits associated with traditional 'tough' materials.
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High Quality Optical and Infrared Filters
High quality, competitively priced, bespoke optical, RFI, laminated and acrylic infrared filters.
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Moderate Materials & Commodity Grades < 80°C
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